WaterStick Grow System
07/15/17 Me & 12′ Sunflower at St Paul’s Garden
06/28/17 Giant Tomato Plants
8 Feet Tall Giant tomato plants !!!
I have 12 tomato plants in Garden #1 and my 2 Supersweet 100 Cherry Tomato Plants are already over 8 FEET Tall ( NOT counting the 2 foot high garden ) and filled with tomatoes. The other Tomato Plants in that garden are between 6 to 6 1/2 feet tall. They are a combination of Better Boy, Parks Whopper, and Big Zac Tomato Plants.
Garden #2 has Russian Red Kale, Swiss Chard, Celery, Peanuts, Strawberries, assorted Peppers & Herbs, and 2 more small Tomato Plants ( you can never have too many Tomato Plants !!! ).
FREE GARDENING Class at the Etowah Community Center
FREE GARDENING Class at the Etowah Community Center March 18th 1:00 PM in Etowah Tennessee !!!!
Learn how to grow MORE FOOD using LESS water, LESS and BETTER fertilizer, with ZERO toxic pesticides.
Featured Speaker
Jon Dewey, author of The 20 Foot Tomato Plant and The 20 Foot Tomato Plant II The Next Season
If you would like to purchase BOTH books while you are at the class, you can buy the 2 book set for $25.00 ( you save $5.00) AND you won’t have to pay shipping charges. Please Email me HERE to reserve your set and I’ll bring them to the class and you can pay for them then.
09-14-2016 Reporter Greg Moses Comes to St Paul’s
09-14-2016 Reporter Greg Moses from the Daily Post Athenian came to St Paul’s UMC today to speak to Pastor Jason Humberd and myself about the Church gardens and their function in the community. He also wanted to see our GIANT tomato plants !!!! Over the years I’ve gotten better at doing interviews, but Jason was fantastic. The article won’t be out until sometime next week so I don’t want to give anything away. I know the first photo will be in the article but I wanted you to see how we have to pick the tomatoes now. I let Jason handle that part. I’ll post it here when I know when the article will be out.
If you want to hear what Pastor Jason Humberd does BEST, please feel free to attend the Sunday service at 11:00 am at St Paul’s United Methodist Church at the corner of 8th St & Georgia Ave in Etowah Tn.
Huge Cantaloupes picked on 08-18-2016
I’ve been quite busy the last couple weeks and haven’t had a chance to let you know how those 4 Cantaloupes did from my post on August 4th. Remember, these were run of the mill Cantaloupes that should weigh 2 to 4 pounds tops ! On August 18th, I picked all 4 of them. Here are the results in the order I picked them.
My scale reads in ounces. I picked the biggest one first and it weighed 130.8 ounces. That comes to 8.175 pounds !!! The rest in order were 97.6 ounces, 114.5ouncs, and last but not least, the baby of the bunch at 94 ounces. The SMALLEST one of them all, weighed almost 2 pounds more than the high average for this type of Cantaloupe. The tremendous size of these Cantaloupes is from being watered, fertilized, and given Probiotic Super Bug Juice at root level through the WaterStick. By the way, that is ONE Cantaloupe plant I’m sitting in front of, and the plant these Cantaloupes came from. By the time I pulled up this plant the other day to plant my Fall Lettuce and Spinach, my grand total of Cantaloupes picked from this plant was 10 Cantaloupes.
Almost 10 FEET Tall Tomato Plants at St Paul’s
08-07-2016 The Tomato Plants at St Paul’s UMC in Etowah TN, are getting so big and heavy with tomatoes, that some of the poles that help hold up the plants were leaning badly and needed to be straightened up and pounded into the ground more.
Most of the tomato plants are right at or just under 10 FEET tall. That height is NOT counting the 2 foot high garden they are planted in.
I finally got a few photos of two of the other people so vital in maintaining the gardens. The first is Larry Parker, who was there cleaning out Garden #1, and getting it ready for Fall planting and was a huge help tying up the tomato plants in garden #2. The other was our Pastor with arms of steel and a heart of gold, Jason Humberd. Check out him swinging that 10 pound mallet, pounding those poles in place.
08-04-2016 Giant Cantaloupe Plant
This is a single Cantaloupe plant that is quickly taking over the end of garden #2. I am using the original WaterStick and Super42Vitalizer from Book 1 and Probiotic Super Bug Juice form Book 2, to grow these behemoth Cantaloupes.
We had already picked one Cantaloupe off of the plant about a week and a half ago, when these photos were taken. This type of Cantaloupe is suppose to be the normal size ones you see at the Supermarket. As you can see they are HUGE and growing BIGGER than the average Cantaloupe and growing BIGGER every day.
HUGE Tomato Plants at St Paul’s UMC in Etowah
If you want to see the HUGE tomato plants Pastor Jason Humberd and I are growing at the St Paul’s United Methodist Church in Etowah, TN – Click Here
The video was done on July 20, 2016, and the photos were taken July 30, 2016.
You won’t believe it, so you’ll have to come down and see it in person for yourself.
05-16-2016 Giant Spring Spinach is HERE !!!!
This is what I wait for every year. It’s Giant Spring Spinach Time !!!! This is the time of the year when everything comes together. Warmer days, more sunshine, and using the MultiPlant WaterStick from book II and Super42Vitalizer (fertilizer) from book I and ANY of the first 3 BUGJUICE formulas from book I & II, you can do this too. This Giant Spring Spinach is simply the BEST tasting Spinach you will EVER eat, PERIOD !!! Yes, it’s that good !!!!!
04-15-2016 Planting Tomato Plants at St Paul’s UMC
04-15-2016 Pastor Jason Humberd and I planted 12 tomato plants using the WaterStick Grow System, in one of the new raised bed gardens behind the Church. We have temporary poles holding up the plants right now. When the plants get bigger and the Spring storms are done, we will remove and put away the garden cover and install the 10 foot galvanized pipes to hold up the plants and put large heavy wire cages around the plants. Feel free to come down to the Church to check on their progress in person. If you come to the Church on Sunday at 11:00 am, you can enjoy a great Sermon and after Church we can give you a guided tour of the gardens.