Huge Cantaloupes picked on 08-18-2016

I’ve been quite busy the last couple weeks and haven’t had a chance to let you know how those 4 Cantaloupes did from my post on August 4th. Remember, these were run of the mill Cantaloupes that should weigh 2 to 4 pounds tops ! On August 18th, I picked all 4 of them. Here are the results in the order I picked them.
My scale reads in ounces. I picked the biggest one first and it weighed 130.8 ounces. That comes to 8.175 pounds !!! The rest in order were 97.6 ounces, 114.5ouncs, and last but not least, the baby of the bunch at 94 ounces. The SMALLEST one of them all, weighed almost 2 pounds more than the high average for this type of Cantaloupe. The tremendous size of these Cantaloupes is from being watered, fertilized, and given Probiotic Super Bug Juice at root level through the WaterStick. By the way, that is ONE Cantaloupe plant I’m sitting in front of, and the plant these Cantaloupes came from. By the time I pulled up this plant the other day to plant my Fall Lettuce and Spinach, my grand total of Cantaloupes picked from this plant was 10 Cantaloupes.




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